Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happily Ever After

Last Sunday I had the privilege of photographing the wedding of D and A - D is the son of one of my oldest and dearest friends (I have to gulp as I realize we have been friends for over 20 years! and were pregnant with children born 3 weeks apart - a bond all mothers will understand - that sharing of growing a baby at the same time). Their wedding, shot at the Spanish Monastery, was so beautiful and romantic. They left immediately after for their honeymoon and so I've been holding onto their sneak peek - just heard they got off the boat an hour ago and I can't wait for them to see a few of the amazingly beautiful images we captured on such a special wedding day.

May your lifetime together be one of happiness, love and laughter! Many congratulations, D and A!! Thank you for asking me to be part of this day.

sorry....just had to use the parasol one more time (yes - it is my favorite prop as of lately - as it just adds a little more romance to an image) These next two images are some of my favorites.....oooohhh.... isn't she beautiful!??!

"Now join your hands, and with your hands your hearts" Shakespeare

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