Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pure Sweetness

When this mom called and asked me to photograph the First Communion celebration, I was so bummed to find out I was booked for a wedding the same day (glad to be doing the wedding of one of the nicest couples, sad to miss capturing this special day for this family), so I was really excited when she asked me to do her portraits. I have to admit, I was even a bit "butterflies in the stomach" excited!! I've met this family before at the events of a family that I truly adore - and they are as sweet as can be. I'm not sure what it is they are doing, but both of these families have the most polite, sweet-natured girls I've had the privilege of being around - AND beautiful! How often do you find that combination?!

Soooo... needless to say, I was really excited! Then to find out we would get to photograph at a location that has so rich of a charm and history, I knew the combination would be incredible. For a photographer, this shoot was a little like a kid in a candy shop. What a fairy tale feeling these images have!

love, love this one! I always love getting a shot of the feet - can't you just tell she's graceful?

this is one of my favorite shots I think I've ever captured...

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