Saturday, August 18, 2012

beach days... the last little bit of summer

This has to be one of the most anticipated and most fun shoots I've done!  Last summer, when I was in NYC, I got a call from G and she said she wanted to do a shoot with her girls with their snorkeling gear (they love to snorkel - who doesn't??).  It didn't work out in timing, etc. -- it's one of those things I began to daydream about - how cool and amazing and fun it would be, so I was bummed it didn't work out.   This year, I'm standing in NYC in almost the same area, and I get a call from G to schedule the shoot for this summer (weird, right??)  I'm a big believer that things always work out for a reason and when the timing is meant to be, it will be magic.  MAGIC!!  look at how gorgeous these girls are???  We ended up shutting down the park!!  I would have kept shooting, but we ran out of light!!  (maybe G is thankful the sunset -- because I could have photographed forever!!)

Seriously -- look at this light!!  Two gorgeous girls, amazing light, SNORKEL GEAR?!?!  how often does this combination happen?!?! They were so much fun!

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